Home Environment Hoboken Rent Control Vote in November 2024: What It Me𒆙ans for Renters.💮..

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Hoboken Rent Control Vote in November 2024: What It Means for Renters and Landlords

In November 2024, Hoboken residents will fac꧃e an important decision on the ballot about rent control.

At the heart of the issue is the fact this vote could change how rent increases are calculated 🐈for vacant apartments, which would affect both renters and landlords. 

With rents going up fast in Hoboken, this issue has, unde🅘rstandably, sꦛparked much debate. 

Renters are worried it could make housing even more expensive, while landlords argue that they need it to help maintain their propertieꦿs. 

As Election Day gets closer, it’s impo𝔍rtant to understand wha🔯t this vote means and how it could affect the future of housing in Hoboken.

Key Takeaways
  • In November 2024, Hoboken residents will vote on whethꦡer landlords can raise rent to market 🏅rates when a tenant moves out.
  • Renters worry this change could make housing less affordable, whiꦆle landlords say it will help them maintain their properties.
  • Register to vote by October 15, 2024, with early voting st🎶arting on October 26, 2024, leading 𓆏up to Election Day on November 5, 2024.

Hoboken’s Rent Control Law and the Proposed Changes

Hoboken’s rent control law, enacted in 1973, regula🔯tes rent increases fo𝄹r residential units, particularly older buildings. 

Under the current system, landlords can only raise rent by a small amouܫnt each year based on the cost of living adjustment (COLA). 

Doing so helps protect tenants from sudden and drastic rent hikes, makin♌g the city more affordable for long-term residents.

However, there is an exception known as “partial vacancy decontrol.”

If a tenant leaves voluntarily, landlords can raise the rent by up to 25%—but only once 🐎every three years and only if no increase has been made in that time. 

Thi🌞s system has 🔯existed for years, but the new referendum seeks to make a major change.

If it passes, landlords could raise rent to market prices (which could be much higher) anytimﷺe a unit becomes vacant. 

In return, they would have to pay the city a one-time fee of 👍$2,500. 

Ideally, the money would go into a fund meant to help create affordable housing in Hoboken, but no clear plans have been shared about how ཧor whe🃏n that money would be used.

Why Are Tenants Opposed to the Rent Control Change?

Tenants ജand housing advocates are concerned that this change will make rent in Hoboken even more exp🐼ensive. 

They argue that allowing landlords to raise rent without limits when a unit becom🅺es empty could make it harder for people to afford to live in the city, especially with rents already among the highest in the country.

Som🃏e renters also worry that l𓃲andlords might pressure tenants into leaving to take advantage of the chance to raise rent. 

Not to mention, there have already been stﷺories from renters saying they feel like their landlords are trying to push them out, and this new rule could make things worse.

So, tenant groups encourage peop🎃le to vote “No” to keep the current rent control rules in place.

Why Do Landlords Want to See This Change?

Landlords, on the other hand, are in favor of the new p🌳roposal🌟. 

They argue that the current rent control rules make it hard for ൲them to keep up with ris൩ing costs and property maintenance.

According to landlord advocates, the ability to raise rents to market rates when a unit becomes vacant would provide much-needed financial flexibility. With this in place, they argue it would heꦇlp them maintain and improve their buildings.

They say the $2,500 fee would also contribute to affordable housing initiatives, which could help address the city’s housing crisis. 

Ad🍌vocates also claim that without this flexibility🍎, Hoboken’s housing stock could deteriorate because landlords wouldn’t have the funds to make necessary repairs and upgrades.

Timeline for the Rent Control Vote

If you’re a Hoboken resident and wa🔯nt to have a say in this critical issue, here are the important dates to keep in mind:

  • Voter Registration Deadline: October 15, 2024. If you’ve moved to Hoboken recently or have never registered, update your voter registration beforeꦓ this date.
  • Early Voting Period: Early voting starts on October 26, 2024, givin🍰g residents several days to vote before the official Election Day.
  • Election Day: November 5, 2024. This is t♛he last day to cas𝔍t your vote on the rent control referendum and other key issues on the ballot.

The Controversy Over Ballot Wording: What Changed?

One of the major discussions surrounding ღthis vote is about how the referendum was originally worded

The language was written by a landlord-backe🔴d group and was criticized for being misleading. 

Hoboke🐭n’s City Council stepped in and voted to change the wording to make it clearer 💝for voters.

Originally, the ballot wording made it seem like the main goal🍒🉐 of the change was to help affordable housing. 

In reality, the change is mostly about allowing landlords to raise rents without limits when tenants ꦰmove out. 

Thankfully, the updated wording r🏅eflects this more clearly, so voters can understand exactly what they’re voting on.

What Happens If You Vote “Yes” or “No”?

Here’s a breakdown of what each vote means:

  • A “Yes” Vote: You are voting tꦅo allow landlords to raise rent to market rates when a unit becomes vacant in exchange for a $2,500 fee going into Hobo🧸ken’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. After this increase, the new rent would still be subject to existing rent control laws for future annual increases.
  • A “No” Vote: You are voting to keep the current rent control rules. This means landlords will continue to be limited to a🀅 25% increase when a tenant leaves and only once every three years for a particular unit.

Your Vote Matters in the November Rent Control Referendum

As Hoboken heads into the November 2024 electio✅n, the rent control referendum has become one of the most important and hotly debated issues on the ballot. 

Both sides have𝕴 strong opinions, and that’s why it’s so important for Hoboken residents to understand the issue before heading to the polls. 

Make sure you’re registered to vote by October 15, 2024, and don’t forget▨ that early voting begins on October 26, 2024.✅ 

Yoꦍur vote could make all the difference in shaping Hoboken’s future.

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Moses is a reporter and content strategist with experience in media, tech, and healthcare. He has always been drawn to storytelling and the power of words, which is why he started writing, to help ideas connect with people on a deeper level. With a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from New York University, his background spans writing medical content at Johns Hopkins to creating copy for The Public Interest Network and B2B/SaaS platforms. When he’s not writing, you’ll find him exploring nature, blogging, or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.